Friday, July 14, 2006

I can't believe how many people have told me to update my blog. Coolbana, Becky, dfifer, you know who you are!

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get. The UPS man brought me 6 boxes of yarn in one day about 2 weeks ago. I haven't found room for all of this yet. And I haven't been able to catch up since that day. The yarn was my shipment from South West Yarn Company that I ordered at TNNA. It includes soy silk and bamboo yarns. I want to knit with each of the 5 different kinds that came in.

I started with "Pure" 100% soy silk. The colors remind me of an Indian sari. The drape is fantastic. But I couldn't get gauge for the summer cardigan I'm making for a class that starts next week. It came up as a great 5 sts/in but I needed a definite 4.5. I would change the calculations if the sweater was just for me, but seeing as how it's a class sample, I didn't feel like I could fudge gauge.

So, next I tried "Phoenix" a soy silk tape yarn in a great multicolor called Imposter. What color do you imagine Imposter to be?? I won't tell so you can leave me a comment with your guess. Anyway, the tape knit to a perfect 4.5, so I'm off and running.

I'm going to try and attach a photo this time. We'll see how it goes. It will be a photo of me in Haiti with the girls from the orphanage there that my church twins with. I hope to see them again in January.

So, Imposter. Hmmmm.


Coolbana said...

I have seen the imposter yarn! the rest of you have to go to the shop.
Maybe be shopping for it online before long! Online shopping is closer than you think!

Dianne said...

I WILL NOT spoil the surprise for the 'imposter'..because I've also seen it..I'm actually using a 'cousin' for a Moebius..among other things I've called it!~I'm currently on round 17 and had no crisis today..YET!!
Oh online shopping for me..that would take the pleasure from me visiting the shop on a daily basis with dilemmas..'inserts smiley face'
Huge thanks, Jan!